
Thomastik-Infeld JF344 on Rickenbacker 4001S

お借りしているリッケンバッカー 4001S の弦をトマスティック・インフェルト JF344 に交換。交換前のラウンドワウンド弦のメーカーと太さは不明なのだけど、若干きつかった順反りが劇的に改善。




Thomastik-Infeld JF344 on Rickenbacker 4001S that I borrowed. The up-bowed neck was dramatically fixed though I don't know the previous roundwound gauge and brand.

It seems to be super difficult for an amateur to adjust Rickenbacker's neck, so it may be one of the solutions to change the strings to low tension strings if the neck is up-bowed.

Of course, if you love old school sounds, JF344 is worth trying. (Please do so at your own risk.)

BTW, I felt to be easier to hold strings than others but I didn't feel the difference for picking.

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